
Friday 6 April 2018

Technology Reflection

Today at Technology we got to learn things like Ellipse, Graduated Shading (Slowly), Cylinder and cone. Today was really fun because I got to learn so much from this lesson and things like that another reason why I really enjoyed this is because of how much I learnt from it, here are a few things that we learnt the first thing was Ellipse and this is when you get a square shape and draw centerlines, the next part is when you draw an oval shape in the middle. 
Another thing we learnt was Graduated shading where you started you shading dark and slowly started to make it light or when you make it dark light dark.

Something that im going to be taking away from this lesson of technology is that I can do things and things like that I will insert photos of our work and things like that down below.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Mary Jane I really love how you have a lot of different cool designs I was also doing this with you in graphics class
