
Friday 23 November 2018

Reading and Questions

WALA- pests, biosecurity and our native bush and animals

What sorts of animals do we have here in New Zealand?

We do have quite a lot of animals not as much as other countries but enough, some of these animals are kiwis, tuis, tuatara lizards, king fishers, snapper and other animals. These are some native New Zealand animals some pests or non native animals are Rats, Possums and Stoats and more.

What do we mean by Native Bush? Do we need to protect the Native Bush, if so who's responsibility? 
What you mean by native bush is plants and trees that are native or originally come from or are from New Zealand so plants like Kowhai, Kauri and ferns and other. I think it is important to look after our native bush because you can't find trees and plants that New Zealand has in other countries, I think it is everyone's job to protect and care for our bush I feel like that the closest community should look after the bush area.  

Which animal species were introduced to New Zealand? Why were they brought here?

A lot of animals were introduced to New Zealand some of these animals are Rats, Stoats, Possums, Hedgehogs, Cats and Dogs and a lot more. I am not exactly sure why they were brought here but I feel like some of the reasons are because they thought that these animals would be good for this country and another reason is that some of these animals like rats must of just jumped on the boat and came to New Zealand.
When did the damage begin? Why are Stoats especially dangerous?
I feel like the damnage started when they arrived because once they arrived all our lovely native animals started to die out and go extinct. Some of the reasons Stoats are dangerous are because they are dangerous and eat bird eggs, they know how to swim and climb so there isn't really a way to stop them from eating our birds eggs not only that but they carry a lot of diseases that can pass into our native animals.

Do we value other animals more then others? Why is that?
Yes I feel like we value Cats and Dogs more then any other animal even though they are considered pests and things like that because they also kill and hunt our native animals but we do have to keep in mind that they are killing and hunting other pests as well. I think they are loved and valued more because humans keep them as pets.

Image result for native new zealand bush

Image result for native new zealand animals

Life Education Reflection

Throughout this week we have been going on the life education bus, which is were you learn all about the body and thing like that. Some of the things we learnt on the bus was about the brain, nutrition and how the other parts of the body work.

Something that I really enjoyed about going into the life education bus was that it was a good time to go out of class and have a little fun break but another reason why I really enjoyed going to the life education bus was that we learnt a lot of new things like did you know if you pulled out all the nerves in an adult body and laid it all out it would be 70 km long that like from auckland nearly to hamilton.

Another thing I enjoyed was that I hadn't been on the education bus in a long time and it brought back so many memories like from when I was in the junior class especially seeing harold the giraffe. Something I didn't enjoy was that it was a lot of sitting down and talking but overall I still really liked it.

Image result for life education bus

Writing Relfection

This week we haven't been doing a lot of writing except reflections and and free writing from when it was hailing a few days ago. The most writing we have done have all been on reflections about other topics like inquiry, maths and other work and topics.

Something I enjoyed about this week's writing is that it was really easy because we were just reflecting on what we did in and on other topics, the thing I enjoyed most about this week's writing is that we did a free fast writing about the hailing that happened a few days ago or on Tuesday. 

Something I didn't enjoy about this week's writing is that we didn't do a lot of writing like we the most we did was again the story about it hailing on Tuesday, as I know maths and other topics are important but writing is just as important and I do feel like we do need to do a bit more writing because we haven't done as much this time.

My next steps for writing is to probably write in my own time a bit more since we aren't doing as much writing this term, and I do feel like if we don't write then we will probably start to see some of our vocabulary start to fail. Another next step is to read more books and things like that.

What's your favourite thing to write about?

Image result for writing images 

Maths Reflection

Throughout the week we have been working on a Maths assignment where we have to pick one of the Maths topics (Decimals, Division, Fractions) the one I first started off with was decimals, the question I chose was there was 15.4m of rope and she cut them into 2.7m,2.8m, 1.9m and 1.8m.

If you minus 15.4 and 2.7 it epauls 12.7 and 12.7 - 2.8 equals 9.9 and 9.9 - 1.9 = 8.0/8 and 8.0 - 1.8 equals 6.2, after we found out the answers for your question then we used screencastify to explain how we got our answer and why we think its that answer.

Something I enjoyed about doing this week's maths is that it was a little easy it did take a while to figure out the answers but it was really fun because it did give my brain a little challenge but overall I really enjoyed it. Something I didn't enjoy was that when I was doing my screencastify people was interrupting my talking even when I was outside and people were stomping and talking and I had to keep restarting.

My next steps for maths is to try and do harder questions because these were really good questions but they weren't hard and they did challenge my brain but not enough, another thing i'm going to do for my next steps is practice maths more at home just so it becomes a bit easier.

Can you figure out these questions?

Tuesday 20 November 2018

The Hailstones

WALT-describe the hailing from outside using figurative language.

I hear a CrAck CrAck coming from the window, I see nearly everyone's heads turn towards the window mine turns as well all we see is a small hail storm form, small little opaque balls of ice hitting the roof it was so loud it sounded like someone was stomping around on the roof. We all watched and listened to the CrAck and sTomP of the hail hitting the roof.

The hail got louder and Louder and LOUDER and even LOUDER CRACK AND STOMP! But from it being LOUD it went Quieter and quieter and we all thought it was over BUT then it started to rain and hail over and over again BUT this time there was a BIG RUMBLE! From that a small thunderstorm had started with the rain and hail storm.

The storm is very off and on, it starts hailing and raining and then it slowly gets quieter and quieter then it STOPS and after it stops its starts up again maybe even with a bit of thunder this time. It stops maybe for good this time?

Monday 19 November 2018

Why I wasn't here on Athletics and What I heard about Athletics

Why I wasn't here on Athletics day -

I didn't go on Athletics day because I was getting sick and we had family meeting and practice for Christmas, the first thing we did was go to a family meeting out South (South Auckland) to talk about practice for a dance (Cook Island). In the meeting the adults mainly talked while the kids sat there waiting for it to finish, I personally thought that it was boring because the things they said weren't interesting to me.

After all the talking was done the girls and boys got split so they didn't get distracted and because the girls and boys both have separate dances, the boys went off to go practice drumming and their dance and the girls went to go practice theirs. Me and my sisters went with the girls but we didn't dance because I don't know we just got told to come watch so me and my sisters sat down and watched them practice.

After a while of watching the girls dance some of our aunties told us to come help with the food so me and my sisters went and prepared food before the dances were finished, some of the food that we cooked were banana poke which is coconut cream and banana, mianese which is a pink potato salad with egg and more. I liked cooking and doing the food because it was fun to make huge plants and bowls of food. When the dancers and drummers were done they came out to eat before going to practice again, I enjoyed this part because I enjoyed eating all the good food there and after we all ate everyone went back to practicing. After a while I got bored and went for a walk around the halls and went and watched the boys dance but then I got bored again and went to go eat before walking around again, when I was walking around I got lost because its a big place but luckily my sister found me and we went back to go eat some more then we went back to the girls practicing.

When it was over it was around 9pm and the practice originally started at 10am so about 12 hours of practicing, the thing I enjoyed the most watching everyone dance and eating.


Mianese -
Image result for mianese cook island

Banana Poke -
Image result for cook island banana poke

Related image

Image result for cook island dance

What I heard about Athletics day -
I heard a lot of things about Athletics day some of the things I heard was that it was really fun, some of my friends came first and that Benghazi won for this year and when I heard that I was so happy because that is my house and of course im gonna be happy because now we have bragging rights.

The thing I think I would have enjoyed the most was running with my friends and seeing everyone run but also watching my team win as well because who doesn't wanna win Athletics.


Friday 9 November 2018

Technological World Inquiry presentation

WALT - discover the changes in the technological world.

Throughout the weeks we have been doing an Inquiry presentation about the technological world, in this presentation we got some questions given to us from the teachers but me and my group added some extra questions just to give it some detail. 

The topic/technology we chose to write about was phones and how they have changed our lives and our they have changed throughout the years, something I learnt about doing this presentation was that phones were originally made in 1876. 

Something I enjoyed about doing this task is that I actually got to learn about how phones have changed so things like when there were no phones families went out and kids went outside to play and have fun, when phones came people still preferred to play outside and sometimes talk on the phone but NOW kids are always on their phones, they barely get out in the sun. 

Something I didn't enjoy or found challenging was finding out weather the inventor was scottish or french but I did a lot of searching and found my answer.   

How do you think phones have changed?
Do you know any technology that has changed? 

Maths Reflection

WALT - add, subtract and finish decimal problems.

In the middle block we have been working on maths, this terms maths is mainly focused around decimals and how to solve them. This morning maths we were finishing off the worksheet we had been given from our teachers, these worksheets have a lot of decimal questions ranging from adding and subtracting to word problems etc.

Here is a few questions I had done.
1 - 5 one + 4 tenths = 4 ones + 14 tenths.

4 ones + 14 tenths is the same as 5 ones and 4 tenths because 10 tenths are the same as one whole or 1, so 4 ones + 14 tenths = 5 ones and 4 tenths.

- 2.4 =

So the reason the answer is 1.2 is because starting from the right side .6 - .4 = .2 and moving over to the whole numbers and go 3 - 2 = 1 then add 1 + .2 = 1.2 giving us our answer.

Something I enjoyed about today's maths is that I got to do it with my friends and we were all focused and we all wanted to succeed in our maths today. One of the things I found challenging about today's maths was that I found one of the questions a bit hard and it was the first question I gave you guys, I didn't understand it until it got properly explained.

What is 4.5 - 12.3?

Image result for maths

Image result for maths

Banding pest in New Zealand (My response on someones Opinion on banding pest)

WALT - give our response and have a voice with someone's opinion on banding pest.

Today throughout the first block we have been learning about pest and how they affect us with the very lovely Ms Treena, in this conversation there was a lot of debate with an opinion  by a person named Nature watch, their opinion was "Animals that are called 'pests' should be treated with more respect.

In the conversations there were a lot of disagreeing and agreeing but what I found was that even though people were agreeing with each other people's opinions were still different to the person who thought or agreed with them. Some peoples disagreed because they thought that pest didn't deserve to be in New Zealand, some were stuck in the middle and slightly disagreed saying that they want every animal to be shown respect but they are attacking our natural wildlife and some people completely agreed saying things like every animal deserves respect and they shouldn't be wiped out.

My opinion was in the middle because I do feel as that everything and everyone deserve respect but these animals are killing our native animals. 
My opinion - "I slightly disagree with you because I do believe everything and everyone deserves respect, but you do have to keep in mind that these "pests" are killing a lot of New Zealand's native animals and remember when these native animals are gone you can't exactly get them back. I understand that you want all animals to be shown respect as do I but these animals haven't been showing OUR native animals respect at all and if you personally think that cats eating our native birds is respect then i'm going to have to disagree with you. I do think everything and everyone deserves respect but you do have to keep in mind that New Zealand's wildlife can ONLY be found in New Zealand and if these considered "pests" continue to get shown respect then we are more likely to see our wildlife and environment die out and then New Zealand wont be the amazing and unique place it is."

 Something I found enjoying or fun about this is that I felt really entitled to my opinion like I really felt like I had a voice in a serious topic because these is a big dis cation in New Zealand right now. Something I found challenging about writing this is that because I did agree with them but I also disagreed with them and it was a bit hard to put that in a nice way,  my next steps are going to be writing and giving my opinion in other things not only in this topic.

Image result for pest in new zealand
Image result for pest in new zealand

Image result for native animals
Image result for native animals

Thursday 8 November 2018

Technology Reflection

Mince Pasta -

Ingredients -
Macaroni Pasta
Tomato puree 

Equipment -
Frying Pan
Mesasuring Cup 

Instructions -
Boil pasta in a pot with cold water until soft.
Drain under a Colander.
Fry onion until its soft and then add in your mince, when its done add in your tomato puree, cheese and spices.

Something I learned today was how to cook a very flavoursome Mince pasta, the reason why I liked cooking this today was because it was quite easy and fun do with my buddy/partner.
Something that I found challenging was breaking up the mince because it was quite hard to break but other then that it was really fun and easy. 

When the cheese has melted add your pasta and wait for a little bubble then take it off the plate and eat.

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Wednesday 7 November 2018

Manaiakalani Reflection

WALT - Reflect on the Manaiakalani film festival.

Today Manaiakalani school were invited to Sylvia park hoyts to watch the school movie that the schools and classes have made and presented to us.  

The first thing we did was pick our buddies from the younger classroom (Room 4), my buddies were Lynch and Jannet. After we finished picking our buddies we went out to morning tea before we hopped onto the bus.

We all walked to the buses and filled the buses up as much as they could, on the way to the movies it was kinda quiet a few songs being sang here and there but all in all I enjoyed the drive there. Hoping out of the bus was a nightmare it was SO hot! But as we walked to the hoyts I grabbed my buddies hand and walked to the cinemas in a line with the rest of the class.

We walked into the move theater just in time because as we walked in it was our turn to watch the amazing movies school had made. We sat there for a few minutes and then the light went down and we started to begin to watch the movies.

My favorite movie was probably one of our ones the T.E.A.M movie by room 9 and 10 because it reminded me of the good days at camp and it was in general a really entertaining video to watch. My favorite movie from another school was probably the rubbish monster because it was a good meaningful movie with a good reason to be putting rubbish in the bin.

On the way back it was very quiet cause half the people were sleeping but people were still singing and talking, I personally enjoyed it because it was a fun ride back because I could talk to my friends because I forgot to mention this but I didn't sit next to my friends it the bus. I really enjoyed this years Manaiakalani because every video had an amazing meaning and they were all entertaining.

Have you been to Manaiakalani?

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