Earth -
Earth is our beloved home and planet it is also called the goldilocks planet because the temperature is not to hot and not to cold, Earth provides us with everything we need from the air we breath to the food we eat and even the ground we step on which is something you already know well I hope you know, something I learnt from doing this as an Inquiry was that we have to do is respect the environment a lot more than what we are doing at the moment because we are getting places all over the world that are getting a lot more pollution and things like that and also just really bad and I think we should help look after the world since it's given us so many things.
Day and Night -
Here is some of the things I wrote in my day and night explanation it isn't the whole thing just some of each paragraph,
The Sun appears early hours in the morning it sounds quite easy but there's a lot of stuff that goes behind it. The Sun is in the center of the Solar system controlling our Earth's heat, warmth, energy and most of its climates but the Sun also controls much more including our daylight and our Moon.
The Moon appears late hour in the afternoon just like the Sun but later on in the day. The Moon orbits around the Earth controlling it's tides, and darkness it may not be as much as the Sun but it is just important because it gives us darkness and cooler nights.
Our amazing planet Earth it gives us oxygen, food, water and so much more.
The Earth is always spinning and rotating around the Sun and the Moon and it orbits around the Earth giving us day and night, an example of this happening is get a ball and face one side of the ball to the Sun and cover the other side of the ball with your hand and you will see one side lit up with the sun's light and the other side darken.

Moon Phases, Tides -
There are 8 Moon phases and 4 main phases these phases are, new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, and our well known full moon and it continues but grows smaller so then the phases will be waning gibbous, last quarter, waning crescent and back to the start the new moon.
If you didn't know the Moon is the thing that controls the whole world's tides and things like that, something my parents said is that if it's a full Moon the tide will be higher and as the phases change the tide will become smaller also known as low tide, neap tides are tides that are about medium its not to low and it's not to high, king tides are the biggest tide of them all sometimes people have been known to get flooding in there area from king tides the last tide is spring tide it's where a tide where it happens after new moon or full moon.

Planets around the Sun and Earth -
As you know the solar system (sun system) has many different ways of affecting the Earth, there are 8 planets including our wonderful planet Earth these planets are, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Earth, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The reason I didn't say solar system is because this isn't really all about the whole solar system its more about a few planets around the solar system.
Mars -
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and it is also known as the red planet and its actually named after a Roman god, this Roman god was the god of war.
Jupiter -
Jupiter is actually the fifth planet away from the sun, which is just behind Mars, Jupiter is actually a gas giant and it is also the biggest planet out of all the planets in the solar system.
Terrestrial planets -
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
Jovian Planets -
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Inquiry Investigation -
So far throughout the inquiry we have just been starting to get our projects started and things like that, for my group we have all chosen to do a Cardboard display because its something that is really easy, fast, simple and usually really eye catching and things like that.
We have currently finished everything and we have actually thrown it out because myself and my group didn't feel like keeping and things like that so we just threw it out, the main thing I will be taking from doing this is a better understanding of what black holes are and what they do and things like that,
I will also be taking away learning from other peoples displays and what they have done and it was really fun to see everyones topic and everything they did and I really think that people that did all there projects and finished them should get appreciated a lot more because some of them finished it in about 1 hour and things like that.
So far throughout the inquiry we have just been starting to get our projects started and things like that, for my group we have all chosen to do a Cardboard display because its something that is really easy, fast, simple and usually really eye catching and things like that.
We have currently finished everything and we have actually thrown it out because myself and my group didn't feel like keeping and things like that so we just threw it out, the main thing I will be taking from doing this is a better understanding of what black holes are and what they do and things like that,
I will also be taking away learning from other peoples displays and what they have done and it was really fun to see everyones topic and everything they did and I really think that people that did all there projects and finished them should get appreciated a lot more because some of them finished it in about 1 hour and things like that.
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