It is officially the beginning of term 3, as most of yous know it was actually school holidays and if you don't know what a school holiday is then let me tell you.
A school holiday is a 2 week break from school so students and teachers can relax and have a small break away from school. In these holidays many people spend time with family and friends, others might go overseas for a small period/amount of time, that is what this blog post will be about and things like that but instead it will be about how my school holidays were, how I felt and some of my goals for this term.

My school holidays were pretty normal we didn't get to do much because most of my family were busy because it was in the middle of the year but I still got to spend a good amount of time with everyone.
Something that I really found enjoying and found fun about the school holidays was when I went south of Auckland (Otara, Papakura, Drury) with my two sisters and my niece and nephew but for me personally I thought my sister was driving very slow so it took a long time to see my Aunty and Cousins but then they are my favorite Aunty and Cousin so I waited.
We went out there a bit late around 5pm - 6pm at night and we had dinner there, we had KFC and lots of chocolate and I was very happy but it did slowly start to get later and later so we had left them and we started to drive home, it was about 8pm - 9pm at night and as we pulled into my sisters drive way we all realized we didn't want to go home just yet so we went out for another drive.
This time we went out to the beach and we sat in the car watching the waves and by this point my niece and nephew were sleeping and I actually don't know what beach we went to because I had fallen asleep on the way there but my sister jumped out to go throw something in the bin so me and my other sister played with the sand and dipped my our feet in the icy cold water and that was the things enjoyed in the holidays.
Something I really can't wait for this term is that we are going to be going to the museum a lot this term and I haven't been to the museum in a very very long time and I can't wait to explore the new things they have in there and see if they have changed anything or added anything new into the museum, another thing i'm really excited for is our new inquiry topic which is actually natural disasters so things like earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes etc, because I don't think I have really learned about natural disasters and I never really thought that I would think that natural disasters sounded interesting and that I would want to learn about them.
Something I want to improve on throughout this whole term is probably writing, reading and maths because I think I can do a much better standard then what I am and what I was currently doing, I would also like to somewhat improve on my confidence because I am still a very shy person.
So what did you guys do on the school holidays? What was your favourite thing you did?

So what did you guys do on the school holidays? What was your favourite thing you did?

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