Moon Phases, Tides -
There are 8 Moon phases and 4 main phases these phases are, new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, and our well known full moon and it continues but grows smaller so then the phases will be waning gibbous, last quarter, waning crescent and back to the start the new moon.
If you didn't know the Moon is the thing that controls the whole world's tides and things like that, something my parents said is that if it's a full Moon the tide will be higher and as the phases change the tide will become smaller also known as low tide, neap tides are tides that are about medium its not to low and it's not to high, king tides are the biggest tide of them all sometimes people have been known to get flooding in there area from king tides the last tide is spring tide it's where a tide where it happens after new moon or full moon.

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