Monday -
Nothing interesting happened except we started to brainstorm for our Matariki presentation to present to the class and things like that.
My first group we were going to do do Matariki art and then we found out that we would be put into different groups so the group I am in now is doing evaluation skills and we had to give our opinion on what we thought of the Statement "Should Matariki be a public holiday"? And we nearly all argued with it except one person because she said "it wasn't apart of her religion"
I agreed because as I said on my other blog post it's because we don't have a lot of different cultured and race public holidays but not a lot of Maori holidays except Waitangi day and things like that.
I enjoyed this task because its something new and I never thought that I would have a say in weather we have a Matariki holiday and things like that, plus the holiday will only be 3 days since Matariki is only 3 days and its not a long holiday or anything like that considering we get at least a 2 week break from school after the school term ends.
Photos of Matariki -

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