This week we have been investigating our chosen inquiry topic, my inquiry topic my group (Me, Aja, Lizzy, Taonga) have chosen black holes. We chose black holes because we don't know a lot about black holes and I think we all wanted to learn more about it, I wanted to chose black holes because I only have a small amount of understanding about black holes and my understanding is very basic like all I know is that they are black, big and they have a good amount of gravitational field which I have just learned recently.
Something I think I find challenging is that some websites may not have the correct information that i'm looking for and they might not have the correct information like they may state something and it may not be entirely true so you have to look at a number of websites to make sure that everything is correct.
My next steps for our inquiry topic will to be start answering some of my questions because we all have 2 questions each and everything but our main one is what is a black hole and things like that because I think I should start focusing on answering my questions.

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