Throughout the days when I was here something we learned about was the Earth, so things like its layers, what the layers are, what the layer are made or and what they contain, so it's was a whole bunch of talking about Earth's layers.
Something I learned about doing this and learning about the Earth's layers was that the crust is really thin compared to all the other Earth layers, I also learned about the deepest hole that was drilled in the world. I learned so much but something I really enjoyed about this lesson was that I got to learn about so many things and I can't wait for the next lesson because this lesson what extremely fun because I got to learn so much and the subject what actually really interesting.
Something that I didn't enjoy about this lesson what that when we watched the videos some of the words didn't make sense or I didn't completely fully understand about what they were saying. Another thing I didn't enjoy was that the teacher that we had wasn't completely explaining everything she was explaining it amazingly but she could have gone in a bit more depth because maybe other people in the group didn't understand and because I find when people don't understand they don't put there hands up and ask questions.
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