Throughout the week we have been doing explanation writing about our inquiry topic natural disasters, the disaster I have chosen is the well known Tsunami.
Here is some of my completed explanation writing -
Introduction -
Tsunamis are the third most dangerous natural disaster in the world nearly destroying anything in it's way or in it's path.
Paragraph 1 -
Tsunamis are huge waves that are caused by strong earthquakes, landslides and underwater volcanic eruptions.
This means that when the Earth’s crust violently shakes it causes a large bodies of water to pull back and rash forward causing huge waves to form and that causes Tsunami. A better way to explain this is when things like Earthquakes, landslides and underwater volcanic eruptions happen it displaces the water causing huge waves and those waves try find a stable position and the closer the waves come to shore the bigger they get. An example is put your hand in water try make one side a bit deeper the the other, start violently shaking and moving your hand and take your hand out when you think you have shaken it enough
Paragraph 2 -
Tsunamis aren’t always caused by Earthquakes they are caused by many other things as i’ve already said (volcanic eruption underwater and on land and landslides). This happens when the water gets a sudden displacement from the volcanic eruption and it’s somewhat the same for landslides but instead huge bodies of rock and dirt push the water up causing a Tsunami, most Tsunamis that are formed by landslide aren’t as fatal as those from volcanic eruption and Earthquakes. An example is when in 1490 B.C the Minoan Civilization of Greece was struck by a Volcanic Tsunami. The result of this is that the Minoan Civilization suffered a big loss in crops and homes.
Paragraph 3 -
Tsunamis are capable of many things, in this paragraph we will be talking about how the affect many people.
So what this means is people are nearly always affected by Tsunamis how are people affected well read the example.
An example of this is when the huge 2011 Tsunami hit Japan, it first started with a strong Earthquake violently shaking the Earth and then from that shaking huge waves are formed and that causes a Tsunami and many people were hurt and injured. The results were huge 15,896 people lost their lives, 6,157 people were injured, 2,537 people were missing and up to 360 billion USD of damage and most of Japan’s population were homeless.
Conclusion -
Tsunamis are deadly and destructive waves that cause damage nearly everywhere they hit but they aren’t just here to be destructive because everything happens for a reason.
Have you ever experienced a Tsunami or any other Natural disaster?
Here are some photos of Tsunamis -

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